Medhelweyth Applykans Kernowek

Medhelweyth Applykans

Screenshot of Treylyans web application Screenshot of Treylyans web application
Treylyans (treylyans n.m treylyansow conversion, mutation, sprain, translation)

A Cornish dictionary lookup based on Kernowek Standard Written Form (SWF) which also shows mutation candidates and possible root words
Screenshot of Didro web application Screenshot of Didro web application
Didro (didro adj direct, straightforward)

A Cornish sentece translator based on Kernowek Standard Written Form (SWF) which visualises mutation candidates and possible root words, indicating confidence levels of translation
Rosella (rosella vb spin, rotate)

A Cornish mutation spinner to help visualise state mutations and their relations
Screenshot of Gerdle web application Screenshot of Gerdle web application
Gerdle (ger n.m geryow word)

A word (ger) guessing game using a list of Kernowek five letter words from Cornish Standard Written Form (SWF).
Screenshot of Gwarack web application Screenshot of Gwarack web application
Gwarack (gwarack n.m gwaregow arc, bow, arch)

A simple Cornish mutation visualiser
Screenshot of Cornish Spinner web application
A simple Cornish mutation visualiser